A Lack of Sleep Could be Putting Your Life at Risk.

The Dreamers Company wants to help you get your best night’s sleep. Good sleep is the foundation of great health, so we designed the DreamTech Sleep Lens. Our sleep glasses block 99.9% of artificial blue and green light allowing your body to naturally produce the sleep hormone melatonin.
More than 20% of all fatal road crashes in Australia involve driver fatigue. Drivers with a sleep debt regularly risk nodding off and harming themselves or others on the road. Greater awareness of the causes and consequences of driving fatigue is an important first step in reducing the unnecessary risk we take on every time we get in a car.
Staying alert more than 18 consecutive hours will cause a measurable dip in your short-term and long-term memory. Your ability to focus, cognitive speed, decision making capacity and reaction time will all suffer. An individual operating on 6 hours sleep or less is 33% more likely to be involved in an accident, than someone who sleeps between 7 and 9 hours a night.
The longer we are awake, the stronger is our desire to sleep. If you have ever seen someone - or experienced it yourself - fighting to stay awake during a class, a meeting or a TV show, their eyes get heavy, their head starts to roll and then they catch themselves with a start. That is your brain involuntarily taking control of your sleep, like a pilot steadying a plane through heavy turbulence.
Experiments* have attempted to measure the effect of sleep deprivation on our reaction time and found some startling results. For most of us the thought of getting in the car with a driver who had been drinking is foolhardy and reckless. But sharing a ride with someone who is sleep deprived can actually be just as dangerous. Williamson & Feyer forced 39 subjects to stay alert for 17 hours and then tested their reflexes and reaction time. Subjects regularly returned results that were equivalent or worse than an individual with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.05%
Whether you are checking your work emails at 2am, gaming till the early hours of the morning or stuck on the red-eye flight home you could be putting yourself, your family or the general public in serious jeopardy. We here at Dreamers believe we all need to reclaim our right to a full night of sleep.
Sleep well,
*Willamson and Feyer, 2000. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10984335/